Friday, May 20, 2011


Yesterday, Andrew and I stayed home from daycare/work.  On Wednesday night, as I snuggled up to Andrew while he slept on my shoulder, I couldn't help but notice how increasingly warm he was getting in just a short period of time.  Clay and I took him to the nursery to check his temp and sure enough he had a fever of 102.2!  After a few quick breaths to calm down we called the on-call nurse with the pediatricians office and after what seemed like forever a wait, they just told us to give him baby tylonol, keep him cool, if his little cough continued to give him warm apple juice and since he had a little congestion, to use saline drops and suction to keep him clear.  Ok, no problem (so I thought).

This kid knows when he is being ambushed and started to retaliate as soon as he saw us coming towards him.  We were saline and suction bulb in hand and his little eyes widened.  As soon as we sat him up to use the saline, he started to buck and throw his head back and forth.  I should have taken that as a sign to leave him alone for a while so he could calm down but we were on a mission to remove his boogers.  Just as I was about to enter his little nose with the suction bulb his head came down on it thus having the end of the bulb connect with the inside of his little nose.  OH NO!!!  I thought, NOT AGAIN!!!  He cried the most horrendous cry ever, complete with big draw-in of air and wailing.  It did not last long as his daddy scooped him up and hugged him tight and I must have looked like a chicken in flight flapping my wings all over the place freaking out yet again.  It lasted a mere 10 minutes (what seemed like an eternity in mom time) and he was fine, no bloody nose or internal or psychological damage that we could see but needless to say we DID NOT use the suction bulb again that night. 

He slept really good through the night and by the morning his fever had broke and he was back to silly little boy.  We stayed home just as a precaution because he was still a bit warm.  You really wouldn't even know he was the least bit sick with all the talking and laughing he was doing.  So we had a good day with him playing then putting himself to sleep in his crib and sleeping for 2 hours!  Major accomplishment since he never sleeps in his crib. 

While asleep it gave me time to tidy up the house and shower.  I kept the monitor close to me wherever I went because I knew he would wake up at any minute.  But he had proven me wrong and I showered in peace.   He played on his activity mat long enough to twirl himself 360 degrees and peeter out again.

The day ended with his Mimi and Papa (my parents)coming over and spoiling him with kisses and hugs and laughter.  Soon after, his Meemaw (Clay's mom) came over to give him sugars too.  I tell you, the boy is spoiled but we wouldn't want it any other way.


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