Tuesday, May 31, 2011

4 Months Forever Weekend

Andrew is 4 months! 

Along with that comes rolling on his sides, rasberry noises, his new found ability to sit in his exersaucer by himself and trying to hold the bottle on his own .. oh and the messy start of cereal (blagh). We took him to the Dr. for his 4 month visit which included the inevitable ... shots. Oh boy! We are happy to report that he is 25 inches long, 13lbs and 2oz heavy and has his daddy's head ;) lol.  He flirted with his doctor, as usual, but it really looked like he was trying to negotiate with her on his shots. Almost like he was saying "For this smile, take away one shot" but the good 'ole Dr didn't take the bait and shots were on the way.
(a couple pictures of his Dr. visit ... we opted to leave the screaming ones out)

He didn't do as well with them this time as he did on his 2month visit and he cried for a lot longer.  One thing that Clay and I have in common is spoiling our babies when they have Dr visits or are in pain and it hasn't changed since we had a child (only worsened).  He calmed down as soon as we put him in the carrier then fell asleep as we got into the truck and his crazy parents bee-lined it to Baby's R Us and spent a good amount on toys/learning tools for little boy so he could feel better.  I know ... crazy right.  That is just what we do ... puts a dent in our pocket book but makes Andrew (mainly us) happy.  If we stay this route we are for sure only having one child and we will be broke by his 1st birthday! 

In his new sling wearing his new hat, so far he seems to enjoy both (crossing my fingers it stays like that)

He has discovered the pandas!
(his new exer-saucer)

New hat ... new shades!

The following day we went to go shopping at the Bass Pro Shops, Clay's manly store, which he needed to introduce Andrew to as quickly as possible.  While there, we decided to eat at the restaurant since Andrew was in a good mood and then after we placed him in the shopping cart to view his surroundings.  Apparently he thought his surroundings were boring because he passed out as soon as we got moving.  Nothing really struck our fancy as we browsed but I did manage to lose Clay for a bit.  Imagine my suprise when I found him in the gun section of the store.  No, we didn't buy him another gun but I did make some mental notes (and noticed a cute little pink gun for me, just saying) ... maybe for his birthday.  But we did manage to pick up these awesome little cowboy boots. 
Giddy-Up Cowboy!
Duh, you can't be a cowboy unless you got your crabby shorts on!
(new boots .. we just got them and they almost don't fit!)

Sunday was a pretty relaxing day, starting off with breakfast with Clay's dad, Dan, and half-sister Ciera at Cracker Barrel!  For those of you who do not know me that well, I live and die for this establishment!  It was my crack when I was pregnant in turn really turned Clay off to ever eating there again.  It has been exactly 4 months since we have eaten there and Clay was having a change of heart so that is where we went.  Breakfast was AMAZING as always especially the Hasbrown Casserole.  Andrew slept through the majority of the meal only to be awakened by the bussboys flinging plates and silverware into thier rubber bins next to our table!  Oh those bussboys and thier bins!!!  Grandpa came to his rescue and held him up until we left. 
Next stop was a quick feeding at the house then off to Meemaw's house (LaNell and Bill) to continue our relaxing day.   LaNell was making ribs and I had never had ribs like this before.  She had boiled them first in a marinade that included Dr. Pepper and other spices for about two hours then grilled them for another 15 minutes.  At first I was skeptical becuase of the soda but OMG they were out of this world good and just fell off the bone!  I need to get that recipe and fast!  Time flew so fast and we were on the road again back home. 

Memorial Day Monday was spent with his Mimi and Papa for a BBQ in the afternoon.  Andrew and I went by ourselves this time.  Clay was on his way to Belton to see his cousin Brad, who was on leave from the Iraq.  The day started off rushed and I hate being rushed not so much with Andrew but more with myself.  By the time we had gotten over to moms house, Andrew was in full meltdown, he didn't want to eat, was overtired that he couldn't sleep, had gotten a little gas pocket in his belly so he was in pain with that ... it was too much stimulation over the whole weekend to where he couldn't relax and it had caught up to him big time!  After about an hour, a quick catnap and 4oz of formula later, he was back to his silly little self again. 

Over at mom's house for a BBQ ...
Lovin' some Mamu time
I love it when they are together!

 The trees are gentle swaying, swaying, swaying ….

Mimi enjoying her Andrew

We had fun sitting outside feeling the breeze and seeing the cats and dogs play but my Andrew-clock was telling me it was time to go.  Hands rubbing his eyes and one big yawn later, we were in the truck headed for home.  All in all, great weekend to kick off his 4 months, busy but good.  Time really does fly when your having fun.  Bring it on 5 Months!

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