This morning we did everything as normal which was this:
6:30am - leave the house
6:45am - Andrew plays with his carrier toy then passes out until we reach daycare
7:00am - Get off car and take Andrew to his classroom with Miss Diane ..
(side note: it is usually just the two of us that are in the classroom becuase Andrew is always the first one there.)
7:15am - Boob in the face ... wait, what?!
Imagine my surprise when I see another mother there leaving her baby at the same time we get there. BUT, not only was she leaving her, she was feeding her. Not just bottle feeding, but breast-feeding. Please do not get it twisted, I have nothing .. absolutely nothing against a mother breast-feeding her baby in public. I may be a little jealous because our adventures with BF went south but hey, it is what it is. But when you are at a daycare at 7:00 in the morning, with millions of little ones running around, parents going in and out, and you yourself are still trying to manage without your head falling off, the last thing you want to see is another womans boob in your face. Ok, technically it wasn't "in my face" but there was no cover up! At first I really didn't notice what was going on, just that she was with her baby and becuase I was trying not to knock everything over with the carrier as I made my way to Andrew's crib. But as soon as I put the carrier down, I took a quick peek to see what was going on (I couldn't resist) and BAM ... boob! I turn very quickly and told Miss Diane, Andrew ate at 5:45am and handed over his bottles for the day, that was all I could muster without stuttering or looking back again. (I have a tendancy to just stare in disbelief or disgust and think that no one would notice, so to not look back again was a major accomplishment on my part). I became a little flustered and tried to cover it up but I think that just made it a little more obvious. The mother was sweet as can be, asked if I was Andrew's mother and introduced herself to me. Well, me being the flustered nin-com-poop that I am, all I said was "nice to meet you", kissed sweet boy on the head and then I took off. Not until just now (a couple hours later) did I realize that I didn't even tell her what my name was! I think it was the excitement of seeing "the boob". She probably thinks I am a snob. Great! I will be labeled the SNOB of Nursery One. SMH! So to rectify my rude manners I am writing her a card and placing it in her baby's diaper bag introducing myself to her and stating what a big loser I am for not introducing myself to her and that if she needs anything, to please not hesitate to ask. It is the least I could do. We will see if it goes over well when I drop it off this afternoon and I see her the next couple of days. If she is still nice .. WooHoo! ... but if she snarls at me, well I guess I am going to have change my dropping off/picking up times of Andrew. Oh Lord.
But come on .. wouldn't you want to just get out of there if the situtation made you a tad bit uncomfortable? Just saying.
Homemade Sopapilla Recipe
12 hours ago
lol... only you Jenn... only you.