Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dear Andrew ...

Today you are 6 months!  Wow, the have just months flown by.  I remember like it was yesterday, the day you were born and the day that my life changed forever.  We had gone to the Dr's office a couple days before your due date and he gave us the option to either wait and see when you would make your appearance (on your own time) or to meet you right on your due date (on Mommy's time).  Well, I just couldn't wait anymore.  I needed to hold you and love you and feel you in my arms.  I just couldn't wait, so we decided that January 26th would be that day.  Both your daddy and I were nervous and excited the night before that we barely could sleep.  We woke up at 4:00am to get ready to go to the hospital.  All our bags were packed (a suitcase for mom and a little bitty bag for dad), your outfits were in their own bag that had your little blankets and hats and teeny tiny socks.  We couldn't believe we were finally going to meet you, Andrew!

The ride to the hospital was very calm, we were ready.  The nurses brought us into our room, showed me where to put all the things I would need, gave me a glamorous night gown to wear and showed where Daddy and our visitors could sit while we waited for you.  Soon after we got there, Mimi and Papa (mommy's parents) and Mamu arrived, then your Aunties arrived, then Meemaw and Grandpa (daddy's parents) arrived.  It was a full house and it was all for you.   We waited all day for you, very patiently.  It wasn't until late in the evening the Dr. told us that if you didn't show up soon, he would have to go and get you.  I think you heard that becuase not long after, you wanted to come out and see us.  It took a few minutes but at 10:09pm on January 26th, you were born.  It was amazing!  You came out and immediatly let us know you were alive with a great big cry!  Mommy and Daddy were crying also.  The Dr. put you quickly on my chest so that you could see and smell me and know who I was but don't think you had any trouble knowing who I was.  As soon as I held you, you look me right in the eyes and you just knew.  That was the best feeling.  I am your Mom, I told you, and I love you very much.  You squinched up your face and blinked your eyes.  Right then I knew you would be trouble.  Oh, how can you love something you just met.  I heard alot of other mommy's saying that and never quite understood what it meant but now I do.  I really do!  My heart just explodes everytime you smiled or looked at me or even when you slept.  It is unbelievable!  Alot of visitors came to see you.  You were just taking it in.  Seeing everyone and getting to know thier faces.  You are loved little boy ... you are very loved. 

From the time we brought you home to now, everyday has been an adventure.  You were growing in leaps and bounds and it was amazing to see.  From the first months of cooing and smiling to tummy time and starting daycare (that was harder on mommy and daddy than for you) you amazed us.  Then you were laughing!  I think it scared you a little bit becuase it was new and it came out of your mouth.  You didn't do it again for a couple days but when you did, you enjoyed it.  Now you laugh all the time and at anything.  It is wonderful!  You have your own little personality and it includes lots and lots of talking, blowing rasberrys at the dogs or mommy and rolling over, trying to sit up on your own and eating solid foods (you hate carrots and squash but love peas and green beans).  When you get bored, we got outside and look at all that God has blessed us with.  You love the feel of the breeze when we go on our evening walks, you love them so much you sometimes fall asleep. hee hee.  You are too cute.

yes ladies he is available, carrots and all!
 You are the light of my life, little boy and the joy of my heart!  I love you with every fiber of my being.  Everday with you is a gift and I cherish you every second, even when I am away. 

You were really telling me how much you love me and need me.
I need you too little boy, more than you know.

Happy 6 month birthday, Andrew!

Thank you for choosing us to be your parents!

Mommy xoxoxo

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