Thursday, February 9, 2012


Yesterday, Andrew had his very first surgery.  Thankfully it wasn't a serious one but nonetheless an important one.  He had been getting ear infections pretty regularly and when I say regularly, we knew that at the beginning of the month every month he had one.  When he first started getting the ear infections, his appetite would start to slow down, slow down enough to where we would become concerned.  After a couple months, we noticed that as soon as he started to get congested and have runny noses, he had an ear infection.  The sad part was that Andrew had become so immune to having the pain in his ears it didn't bother him anymore.  He would just fidget with whichever ear it was that had the infection.  Finally after have ear infections for 3 months straight and getting prescribed antibiotics for it, it was time to see the Ear Nose and Throat doctor.  No offense to our pediatrician, who is really great at what she does, it just seem that we were waiting far too long with no real solution for his ear infections.  We saw the Pedi ENT on Tuesday, by that afternoon we had a surgery scheduled for the next day, Wednesday and he was back in daycare on Thursday.  Whew!!  I had to rest just saying that!   Tuesday's appointment went smoothly, but one look at Andrew and his ENT knew that this kid needed ear tubes and quickly.  Luckily there was a cancelled slot open for that Wednesday and we took it.  I was a jumble of nerves and anxiety-stricken.  Andrew and Clay were as cool as cucumbers.  Both his MeeMaw and Mimi and two Aunts were able to come and be with us as he was having the surgery.  He went in to the OR very strong and without a whimper.  Clay and I were told to wait for him in the recovery area and I kid you not, from the time we were directed to that area and just sat down, he was out of surgery.  It was THAT quick!  We couldn't see him just yet because they had to monitor him for a while but once they let us back there, I was in full fledge Momma-mode.  He was laying on his back with the air-mask barely over his little mouth but once they moved it he started waking up and he was frantic.  He didn't know where he was or what had happened, he only knew that his ears hurt and he felt wierd.  He cried for a good two hours straight with eating little bits of yogurt in between crying fits.  Then as if it was right on cue, he stopped and was back to happy Andrew.  What a day!  But from that day forward, he has been able to walk better, eat better, talk more.  It has been amazing!  He sure did hurt for quite a while before those tubes but we are all the better for it once he got them in.  He is one strong little boy!

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