Dear Andrew,
I am a little late in writing this but only because you are soo very active now and it leaves me little time to do anything! You are amazing! I love watching you with your independent personality and fearless ability to try new things. I am on pins and needles everytime you try something new. I wish I could just follow you around with a pillow so that you have something soft to land on when you fall but I know boys will be boys and I just have to let you learn.
So let's see where we can start ... you started off 8 months with a bang! During that time, you learned how to crawl (the for-real kind, not the army crawl), pull up to your knees and them pull up to your feet! All that was done in between 5 days! Even your Dr. couldn't believe it. You also learned that you didn't need Momma to hold the bottle for you, that you could do it all on your own and decide whether you were hungry still or just take it out for a bit for a breather and then put it back in and you get soo mad when I try to help you in tilting it up. That was and is amazing to see! Very independent. You can stand up and sit back down in your crib and you figured out that you can chase after the "girls" (Sophie and Lexi, our dogs).
One drawback to your getting older is the temper-tantrum. Oh my! If you don't like what I am doing or if I take you from a certain spot, holy moly, you let us know about it. You also got your second ear infection. This one wasn't as bad as your first but you didn't get fever or congestion so we really didn't know what was going on. The only sign that we had was that you were not eating like normal. Very small amounts, especially your bottles. We thought it was your teeth coming in or usually around this time (9 months) babies get bored with thier bottles/food and rebel. That was what we were going off of but when we took you in for your 9 month followup, the Dr. said it was an ear infection and that it had been there for a while. But a new prescription and new toys to play with you were rebounding right back to your normal little self and flying through those bottles.
Earlier in the month we took you to your very 1st Pumpkin Patch in Medina, TX. You loved to look at everything! There was a petty zoo, a puppet show, pumpkins everywhere and even Indians!
You are laughing at just about everything now and are learning how to make music. You use anything to bang together. Your interest in books is starting to grow and you can turn the pages now, a little faster than Momma can read, but I just love that you are interested. You can never be away from your blankets, always sleeping with at least 2 of them.
More to follow ...
homemade play-doh with two grandmas!
2 days ago
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