Sunday, October 16, 2011

I now pronounce you ... The McAvoys

I am a little late in posting this but better late than never.  The weekend of the 7th was a big weekend for us (mostly me).  Our very best friend married his lady love in Austin and since we went to the wedding that meant Andrew had his first sleepover without Mom and Dad.  Oh Lord! 

Since Clay was the best man, he had to leave a day early to perform his best man duties (ie: attending the rehearsal dinner, helping the bride and groom with odds and ends and last minute errands).  No problem, that will give me time to spend with Andrew before I drop him off.  Our night was really good, he didn't give me too much trouble and I was able to pack him up without problems.  The next day (7th), I packed all his belongings up (I mean ALL his belongings) and drove him to Meemaw's house.  Everything went really well, I set up alot of his toys and playpen before I left, answered any lingering questions and kissed my little man goodbye for the night.  I was doing really great until I called Clay driving home.  The first thing Clay asked was if I was doing ok and then the floodgates opened.  I cried all the way home and when I got home I put some of Andrew's dirty clothes away and I couldn't help but smell them.  I know crazy right, not for this lady.  I missed my little man and I just dropped him off.  I couldn't help it.  I had asked his Meemaw to send me some pictures throughout the day just to update me and she went well beyond my request.  He was doing amazing and I didn't have anything to worry about.  This wedding was going was going to be awesome and my little boy was in great hands, what more could I ask for?!  Well, hoping my liver didn't fail me was high on my list as well.  I have not been out and about since before Andrew was born (over a year and a half) so being in a situation that compromised it was a little un-nerving. 
I have been to numerous weddings before, not to mention my own, and I have seen the whole display of love, nervousness and excitement. I have been to the receptions filled with dancing and music and silliness. And I have witnessed the relief and stress of what a day can do to the two people who just want to be one.  I saw all of that with exception of the stress.  It couldn't be less stress-free if you tried.
This wedding is very near and dear to my heart. You see, Clay and I have alot of history with this couple, Will and Christine. At times it was shaky (alot shakier than I care to admit) but more often it is pretty freaking awesome! We have seen when this couple became a couple, when their affection went from "I really like you" to "I love you" or as one of the groomsman put it "went from immature love to mature love" (I loved that by the way Brad). Will has been in Clay and my lives since we all met at Fox and Hound in San Antonio back in 2001. Our friendship has lasted through the first apartment in Austin and the infamous Jenga game when Clay-came-back-home-with-a-hickey-that-he-swears-was-from-Will (yeah) to the "Frat House of Firewheel Hollow" to being there for me when my "Papu" died to to being the Best Man at our wedding to when Clay's "Meemaw" died to being the Godfather to our baby boy Andrew and now when Clay is the Best Man in his wedding. There are many more memories that I should put in here but those are the main ones. Our friendship with Christine has solidified in the recent years and she is someone I would have in my corner, no questions asked. She is thoughtful, creative, loving and passionate and most importantly she loves Will and will do everything and anything in her power to make him happy and protect him. It wasn't long ago when I had my reservations about her. Yes, yes, I have to admit I was not easy to get along with back when they first started dating (hard to believe, I know). My protective sister mode was on and stayed on far too long.  You see, my friends are very very important to me. I am not one to easily make friends with just about anyone. Clay on the other hand makes friends with strangers in the supermarket. I am more guarded with my feelings and who gets to be in my life. You can call me selective. But once you are in my circle of friends, I love and hold tight. You are my family now and I protect family, something fierce.

And on Friday, my family got married. I was over the top emotional. I have seen these two together many many times and have seen their relationship blossom and strengthen but it wasn't until the actual wedding ceremony that I really saw what their love was all about. I saw the raw emotion from Will, the willing to protect from Christine, the way they meant each and every word of their vows and the promise they made together forever. Usually every ones focus is the bride when she comes down the aisle but I couldn't resist a glimpse of the groom of when he first sees her. His face lit up with such love and emotion when he saw her, it was breathtaking.

Their wedding is definitely one for the books. It was classy and subtle with lots of laughter and sometimes tears (good ones), craziness and cupcakes (oh gawd, they were awesome). Great friends coming together, meeting new people and celebrating the meaning of love.

Will and Christine, I write this in honor of you.  You both are an inspiration to those who believe in fighting for who they love and the "happily ever after" that comes with it.   I wish you all the happiness in the world.  May you continue to support, learn and believe in each other.  Marriage is one tough cookie.  It takes both and as I am no expert, I am still learning everyday.   Everyday with your best friend is a blessing and not one to take lightly. 

I leave you with one of my favorite poems that sums up what I saw on your day perfectly.  I love you guys more than you know and can't wait to make new memories with the McAvoys! 
I carry your heart with me
E. E. Cummings
i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
my heart) i am never without it (anywhere
i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)

i fear
no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)

 P.S. please forgive the quality of the pictures, this smart girl left her memory card for the camera at home and had to take pics from her phone .. oh, and my liver survived and I stayed awake until 4:00am the next morning!  Uber proud of myself!

The Grooms kicks

First Dance

more of the first dance

1 comment:

  1. JP this was written with such honesty and love. It really touched my heart. Thank you for embracing Will and Christine as your family.

    Great to see you having such fun!! Good Times!!


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